Pilot successfully implemented in one country. Lessons were learned and incorporated into the next pilot ongoing in other countries
This innovation was piloted by ILRI in Kenya within two donor-funded projects. While the technology ...
In general, across Africa, livestock sector provides alarge proportion of agricultural value added, ...
10 centers have been set-up in Ethiopia with 10 additional planned to become operational in 202
Pilot successfully implemented in one country. Pilot of the model in other countries planned
Regional task forces to discuss interactions of public and private veterinary service providers were...
Access to animal health services in many developing countries is limited. This is especially serious...
A successful proof of concept has led to a larger piloting of the innovation in Masaka, Uganda, alon...
In 2021, the platforms were piloted and initial results summarized in a project report to the funder...
In partnership with the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS), Turkana County, Kenya, we developed...
Access to animal health services is one of the most important factors in improving livestock product...
Livestock productivity for pastoralist households, who depend upon their livestock as a source of li...
An eSurveillance system was implemented in Marsabit, Kenya including collection of information on dr...
Early pilot test phase. A first version of the application has been developed and tested
The innovation was tested in Western Kenya (link #1) and is now being tested in Uganda across differ...
System co-designed by ILRI researchers and piloted in three counties. Recent evaluation highlighted ...
This innovation was piloted by ILRI in Kenya within two donor-funded projects. While the technology ...
In general, across Africa, livestock sector provides alarge proportion of agricultural value added, ...
10 centers have been set-up in Ethiopia with 10 additional planned to become operational in 202
Pilot successfully implemented in one country. Pilot of the model in other countries planned
Regional task forces to discuss interactions of public and private veterinary service providers were...
Access to animal health services in many developing countries is limited. This is especially serious...
A successful proof of concept has led to a larger piloting of the innovation in Masaka, Uganda, alon...
In 2021, the platforms were piloted and initial results summarized in a project report to the funder...
In partnership with the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS), Turkana County, Kenya, we developed...
Access to animal health services is one of the most important factors in improving livestock product...
Livestock productivity for pastoralist households, who depend upon their livestock as a source of li...
An eSurveillance system was implemented in Marsabit, Kenya including collection of information on dr...
Early pilot test phase. A first version of the application has been developed and tested
The innovation was tested in Western Kenya (link #1) and is now being tested in Uganda across differ...
System co-designed by ILRI researchers and piloted in three counties. Recent evaluation highlighted ...
This innovation was piloted by ILRI in Kenya within two donor-funded projects. While the technology ...
In general, across Africa, livestock sector provides alarge proportion of agricultural value added, ...
10 centers have been set-up in Ethiopia with 10 additional planned to become operational in 202