Effects of cloud-top processes on convection in the cloud-topped boundary layer

  • Shao, Quingqiu
Publication date
January 1994
Colorado State University. Libraries


Spring 1994.Also issued as author's thesis (M.S.) -- Colorado State University, 1994.Includes bibliographical references.Cloud-top processes-s studies in this paper include cloud-top radiative cooling and entrainment (entrainment mixing warming and evaporative cooling due to the mixing). We have studied how they drive and/or regulate convection in the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer (STBL) analytically, numerically, and through analysis of observational data and data from large-eddy simulations (LES). An analytical second-order bulk boundary-layer model has been built in an attempt to parameterize the planerary boundary layer (PBL) for large-scale models, as well as to understand the complex physics of entrainment in a relatively simple...

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