Three Generations of Unconventional Family Values: A Case Study of the Ashursts

  • Belzer, Allison Scardino
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Publication date
December 2014
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern


In addition to shaping individuals, the family unit can be an important agent of political change. Although Victorian family values fortified the father\u27s role as the undisputed paterfamilias with almost unlimited patriarchal control, the Ashurst family disavowed convention. For three generations the Ashursts carried their commitments to equality and freedom out of the home, where the ideas were nurtured, into civil society, where family members campaigned for change. From the 1830s through to the early twentieth century they were on the front lines of reform in Britain. Through their correspondence and social contacts, they created an international network stretching from Italy to the USA. Anecdotes in their letters, memoirs and obituar...

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