Structural Studies of the Qarakhanid Dirham Using X-Ray Diffraction and Neutron Tomography Methods

  • Abdurakhimov B.A.
  • Tashmetov M.Y.
  • Bakirov B.A.
  • Yuldashev B.S.
  • Kichanov S.E.
  • Kozlenko D.P.
  • Ismatov N.B.
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Publication date
January 2021
Journal of Surface Investigation X-ray Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques


Abstract: The structure and spatial distribution of corrosion in the volume of the medieval Qarakhanid dirham dated the X–XII century A.D. (Anno Domini) has been investigated using non-destructive structural X-ray diffraction and neutron tomography methods. The phase composition and their spatial distribution inside the coins were obtained. The main phase of the studied dirham is the silver-copper alloy with copper fraction dominance up to 74 wt %. The basic phases of the corrosion fraction are cuprite Cu2O, tenorite CuO and chalcocite Cu2S. The non-uniform distribution of the corrosion penetration in the coin bulk was constructed

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