Un enfoque cognitivo da ambidestreza internacional e o seu impacto na velocidade da internacionalización: unha aplicación ás pymes nunha rexión periférica de Europa

  • Ribeiro da Silva, Carina Cristiana
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Publication date
February 2021
Programa de Doutoramento en Análise Económica e Estratexia Empresarial (RD 99/2011)


Currently, the pressure to internationalize is great. Selling outside the domestic market is a relevant goal for many Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The motivations for internationalization are several and have been debated over the last decades with great enthusiasm, not only by the literature, but also by public and private agents. However, knowing that rapid international growth can jeopardize the scarce resources available to SMEs, it justifies a growing interest in understanding the phenomenon of speed of internationalization, since it is the key to internationalization strategies. Since the empirical studies on the speed of internationalization that incorporate the Cognitive Style of managers are scarce, this research intends t...

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