Impact of phonon scattering mechanisms on the performance of silicene nanoribbon field-effect transistors

  • Chuan, M. W.
  • Riyadi, M. A.
  • Hamzah, A.
  • Alias, N. E.
  • Sultan, S. M.
  • Lim, C. S.
  • Tan, M. L. P.
Publication date
January 2021
Elsevier BV


Rigorous efforts are invested globally in the semiconductor industry to leverage next-generation nanoelectronics beyond Moore's law. Among them, silicene is foreseen as a viable two-dimensional (2D) material for future transistor applications. In this study, we assessed the performance of field-effect transistors (FETs) based on silicene nanoribbons (SiNRs) in terms of width scaling, length scaling and non-ballistic phonon scattering effects. Simulation of the channel material and transistor is performed based on the nearest neighbour tight-binding model and the top-of-the-barrier nanotransistor model, respectively. The device performance is analysed by graphically extracting the on-to-off current ratio, subthreshold swing and drain-induced...

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