
  • Gonnet-Bağana, Hatice
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Publication date
January 2015
Koç University, Suna Kıraç Library as digital publisher


Landscape of the plateau where the Topada rock monument is located. Consisting of 8 lines, all separated by drawn lines, this Neo-Hittite period hieroglyphic Luwian rock inscription is located near the Ağıllı village of Acıgöl (formerly Topada) in Nevşehir province and the inscription is carved on the flattened surface of a rock that sticks out from the eastern face of a rocky wall of about 5-meter high plateu. Historical evidences indicate that the monument can be dated to the second half of the 8th century BC. The inscription mentions the Neo-Hittite era kingdom of Tabal beginning with the text as: "[Great K]ing Wasusarma Great King, the Hero, Son of the Great King Tuwati, the Hero" and this commemorative inscription is about Wasusarma th...

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