O discurso sobre as "gangues latinas" na imprensa espanhola e seu impacto sobre a resposta político-criminal

  • Soriano, Juan Pablo Gatica
  • Peres-Neto, Luiz
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Publication date
January 2009


The present study seeks, on the one hand, to make a sociology of the media discourses present in the public sphere - on juvenile delinquency and gangs -, seeking to identify the topics and archetypes that contribute to the association of the "Latin aesthetics", immigrant, with juvenile delinquency and, on the other hand, we will analyze the possible impacts of these discourses on the political process of penal reform of the Organic Law of Criminal Responsibility of Minors, as well as its consequent developments among youth associations such as Latin Kings, Ñetas, among others.El presente estudio busca por un lado, hacer una sociología de los discursos mediáticos presentes en la esfera pública - sobre delincuencia juvenil y pandillas -, busc...

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