Derivation of Two Critical Appraisal Scores for Trainees to Evaluate Online Educational Resources: A METRIQ Study

  • Chan, MD, MHPE, Teresa M.
  • Thoma, MD, MA, Brent
  • Krishnan, BHSc, Keeth
  • Lin, MD, Michelle
  • Carpenter, MD, MSc, Christopher R.
  • Astin, MD, Matt
  • Kulasegaram, PhD, Kulamakan
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Publication date
January 2016
eScholarship, University of California


Introduction: Online education resources (OERs) like blogs and podcasts frequently augment or replace traditional medical education resources such as textbooks and lectures. Trainees’ ability to evaluate these resources is poor, and no quality assessment aids have been developed to assist them. This study derived a quality evaluation instrument for this purpose. Methods: We used a three-phase methodology. In Phase 1, a previously derived list of 151 OER quality indicators was reduced to 13 items using data from published consensus-building studies (of medical educators, expert podcasters, and expert bloggers) and further evaluation by our team. In Phase 2, these 13 items were converted to seven-point Likert scales used by trainee raters (n=...

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