Massive hemoptysis in mitral stenosis

  • Cumpanici, Ana
  • Domenti, Marina
  • Dogot, Marta
Publication date
January 2014
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, State Medical and Pharmaceutical University Nicolae Testemitanu, Medical Students and Residents Association


State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction: Massive hemoptysis is an uncommon but life-threatening emergency. The loss of at least 600 ml of blood within a 48-hour period has been associated with a high mortality rate. Although most commonly hemoptysis caused by valvulopathies is not massive enough to be life threatening, have been reported cases of asphyxia after pulmonary hemorrhage in patients with mitral stenosis. Hemoptysis and occurrence of pulmonary edema associated with end stage and severe mitral stenosis would be an indication for early surgery. Aim of the study: To assess the clinical, laboratory aspects and the presentation of a clinical case with massive ...

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