From hydraulic root architecture models to macroscopic representations of root hydraulics in soil water flow and land surface models

  • Vanderborght, Jan
  • Couvreur, Valentin
  • Meunier, Felicien
  • Schnepf, Andrea
  • Vereecken, Harry
  • Bouda, Martin
  • Javaux, Mathieu
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Publication date
January 2021
Copernicus GmbH


Root water uptake is an important process in the terrestrial water cycle. How this process depends on soil water content, root distributions, and root properties is a soil–root hydraulic problem. We compare different approaches to implement root hydraulics in macroscopic soil water flow and land surface models. By upscaling a three-dimensional hydraulic root architecture model, we derived an exact macroscopic root hydraulic model. The macroscopic model uses the following three characteristics: the root system conductance, Krs, the standard uptake fraction, SUF, which represents the uptake from a soil profile with a uniform hydraulic head, and a compensatory matrix that describes the redistribution of water uptake in a non-uniform hydraulic ...

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