Real convergence of countries within European Union is measured mostly at the national level by the indicator of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Generally, countries with relatively low GDP per capita should catch-up with richer ones and this has become the main objective of post-communist countries at the beginning of the transition process. However, when we look at the regional level and regional GDP per capita data in these countries one can assume that the intensity of real convergence strongly differs among regions and disparities between regions still prevail. The paper attempts to identify factors responsible for persistence of regional disparities in the Visegrad Four countries. In the paper, available Eurostat NUTS 3 stati...
The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to identify, compare and evaluate regional disparities of S...
While European integration has substantially contributed to economic convergence on a national scale...
Countries goal for high national development can't be achieved if vast economic disparities exist am...
Real convergence of countries within European Union is measured mostly at the national level by the ...
The deepening of regional disparities is an issue of increasing importance that has been systemati...
The deepening of regional disparities is an issue of increasing importance that has been systematica...
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku regionálních disparit, jejichž usměrňování je jední...
This paper deals with the analysis of regional income disparities of the net disposable income of ho...
Regional development and remission of regional disparities belong to the most discussed topics in th...
The aim of this paper is to determine the regional convergence process in Visegrad (V4) economies af...
In the present study the authors examined the spatial disparities of the Visegrad four countries to ...
This paper provides a comparative account of important aspects of regional development in transition...
The work presents the analysis of per capita GDP in the selected area of eight European countries (t...
Presented paper deals with the issues of regional development and regional disparities in Slovakia i...
Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na popis regionu, analýzu regionálních disparit a konkurenceschopnosti r...
The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to identify, compare and evaluate regional disparities of S...
While European integration has substantially contributed to economic convergence on a national scale...
Countries goal for high national development can't be achieved if vast economic disparities exist am...
Real convergence of countries within European Union is measured mostly at the national level by the ...
The deepening of regional disparities is an issue of increasing importance that has been systemati...
The deepening of regional disparities is an issue of increasing importance that has been systematica...
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku regionálních disparit, jejichž usměrňování je jední...
This paper deals with the analysis of regional income disparities of the net disposable income of ho...
Regional development and remission of regional disparities belong to the most discussed topics in th...
The aim of this paper is to determine the regional convergence process in Visegrad (V4) economies af...
In the present study the authors examined the spatial disparities of the Visegrad four countries to ...
This paper provides a comparative account of important aspects of regional development in transition...
The work presents the analysis of per capita GDP in the selected area of eight European countries (t...
Presented paper deals with the issues of regional development and regional disparities in Slovakia i...
Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na popis regionu, analýzu regionálních disparit a konkurenceschopnosti r...
The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to identify, compare and evaluate regional disparities of S...
While European integration has substantially contributed to economic convergence on a national scale...
Countries goal for high national development can't be achieved if vast economic disparities exist am...