Diagnosis of Chikungunya Virus in Febrile Patients From a Malaria Holoendemic Area

  • Ingoba, LL
  • Adedoja, A
  • Peko, SM
  • Vairo, F
  • Haider, N
  • Kock, R
  • Ippolito, G
  • Zumla, A
  • Nguimbi, E
  • Pallerla, SR
  • Velavan, TP
  • Ntoumi, F
Publication date
August 2021


Introduction: Accurate diagnosis of chikungunya (CHIK) is essential for effective disease management and surveillance. In a cohort of febrile Congolese patients, available diagnostic methods widely used in CHIK diagnosis were evaluated. In addition, plasma cytokines were quantified in CHIK patients and those coinfected with malaria compared with healthy controls. Methods: Between June and November 2019, a total of 107 febrile patients with suspected CHIK were subjected to differential diagnosis both for CHIK and malaria. Patients were screened for CHIK virus using molecular diagnosis by real-time PCR, serologic testing by IgM-specific and IgG-specific ELISAs, and lateral flow-based method with rapid diagnostic test (RDT), while malaria...

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