Aphrophoridae Role in <i>Xylella fastidiosa</i> subsp. <i>pauca</i> ST53 Invasion in Southern Italy

  • Ugo Picciotti
  • Nada Lahbib
  • Valdete Sefa
  • Francesco Porcelli
  • Francesca Garganese
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Publication date
August 2021


The Philaenus spumarius L. (Hemiptera Aphrophoridae) is a xylem-sap feeder vector that acquires Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca ST53 during feeding on infected plants. The bacterium is the plant pathogen responsible for olive quick decline syndrome that has decimated olive trees in Southern Italy. Damage originates mainly from the insect vector attitude that multiplies the pathogen potentialities propagating Xf in time and space. The principal action to manage insect-borne pathogens and to contain the disease spread consists in vector and transmission control. The analysis of an innovative and sustainable integrated pest management quantitative strategy that targets the vector and the infection by combining chemical and physical control mea...

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