A serological survey was undertaken from April 1990 to February 1993, to determine the exposure experience to Brucella abortus in cattle and goats in central and southern Uganda. Three serological tests, the standard tube agglutination test (SAT); rose bengal plate test (RBPT) and the milk ring test (MRT) were used. Samples in cluded blond from slaughter cattle (1,055) and goats (271), both from public abattoirs, as well as live cattle (676) from farms. Milk samples were collected from individual cows (208) on the various farms and from several milk collecting centres (364). For cattle, 14.7% (n=1,731) sera were positive by the RBPT and 12.5% (n=1,731) by SAT. The seropositivity for brucellosis as revealed by testing milk from individual da...
Background: Human brucellosis has been found to be prevalent in the urban areas of Kampala, the capi...
Brucellosis causes a great economic loss to the livestock industries through abortion, infertility, ...
Brucellosis is a contagious bacterial zoonotic disease of public health importance worldwide. A cros...
Introduction: Brucellosis is endemic in Uganda and is a major cause of production losses in livestoc...
Introduction: the burden of brucellosis among smallholder farmers is poorly-documented in Uganda. Th...
Serological and bacteriological studies on caprine brucellosis were carried out to determine the pr...
Cross-sectional prevalences and risk factors for Brucella seropositivity in goats in eastern and wes...
ABSTRACT. Brucellosis is a key zoonosis of major public health, animal welfare and economic signific...
The occurrence of brucellosis in different species of livestock has been reported from different par...
Brucellosis is wide spread and an important re-emerging zoonosis causing a great socio-economic and ...
The present cross-sectional study was carried out to determine prevalence and risk factors for trans...
Brucellosis is a key zoonosis of major public health, animal welfare and economic significance, and ...
A random survey to study the seroprevalence of ovine and caprine brucellosis was carried out between...
Masters ThesisBrucellosis is a zoonotic disease that causes a great socio-economic as well as a publ...
A serological study for brucellosis was carried out to determine the magnitude & spread of the dise...
Background: Human brucellosis has been found to be prevalent in the urban areas of Kampala, the capi...
Brucellosis causes a great economic loss to the livestock industries through abortion, infertility, ...
Brucellosis is a contagious bacterial zoonotic disease of public health importance worldwide. A cros...
Introduction: Brucellosis is endemic in Uganda and is a major cause of production losses in livestoc...
Introduction: the burden of brucellosis among smallholder farmers is poorly-documented in Uganda. Th...
Serological and bacteriological studies on caprine brucellosis were carried out to determine the pr...
Cross-sectional prevalences and risk factors for Brucella seropositivity in goats in eastern and wes...
ABSTRACT. Brucellosis is a key zoonosis of major public health, animal welfare and economic signific...
The occurrence of brucellosis in different species of livestock has been reported from different par...
Brucellosis is wide spread and an important re-emerging zoonosis causing a great socio-economic and ...
The present cross-sectional study was carried out to determine prevalence and risk factors for trans...
Brucellosis is a key zoonosis of major public health, animal welfare and economic significance, and ...
A random survey to study the seroprevalence of ovine and caprine brucellosis was carried out between...
Masters ThesisBrucellosis is a zoonotic disease that causes a great socio-economic as well as a publ...
A serological study for brucellosis was carried out to determine the magnitude & spread of the dise...
Background: Human brucellosis has been found to be prevalent in the urban areas of Kampala, the capi...
Brucellosis causes a great economic loss to the livestock industries through abortion, infertility, ...
Brucellosis is a contagious bacterial zoonotic disease of public health importance worldwide. A cros...