Place-making with the Makers: Exploring directions of place-making strategies in the redevelopment of industrial urban areas into mixed-use areas. Case of Schieoevers Noord, Delft

  • Lüchau, Carlos (author)
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Publication date
June 2021


The lack of effective place-making strategies to transform industrial urban areas into mixed-use areas, and the limited knowledge of how manufacturers interact with other actors, have exposed the vulnerability to future challenges of these redevelopment processes. Therefore, this research aims to identify directions of place-making strategies to overcome future challenges in the redevelopment of industrial urban areas, through the interaction of actors in the case of Schieoevers Noord. This is done following a research by design with a qualitative approach through the analysis of the case and its arenas of interaction, the exploration of possible future scenarios, and the identification of opportunities and challenges. This reveals opportun...

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