Le développement du réseau de gaz naturel au Caire : une réforme qui pénalise les quartiers informels

  • Markoum, Jimmy
  • Verdeil, Éric
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Publication date
December 2011


International audienceThe development of the network of natural gas in Cairo aims to achieve significant gains for the State budget, while it should theoretically improve the access of the poor to this infrastructure and the cost of it. However, in reality, the expensive cost of connection and technical constraints linked to the security of buildings exclude many deprived households. The households' capacity to pay has been overestimated, whereas during a first period, the neighborhoods of the city center, most of them well off, have enjoyed strongly subsidized connections. In the same time, the supply of bottled gas is frequently hit by scarcity crisis, especially in popular neighborhoods, because of the bad regulation of the commerce, han...

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