A loading apparatus for allowing wheelchair access to a vehicle is provided. The apparatus attaches to the hitch receiver of the vehicle, such as a van, truck or similar vehicle. The apparatus includes three ramp section pivotably connected such that the apparatus does not obstruct vision through the rear of the vehicle but also provides sufficient ground clearance for operation of the vehicle
Technical ReportTransportation for people with mobility impairments who use wheelchairs depends on v...
Floor-to-wheelchair transfers are one of the most challenging tasks for individuals with lower body ...
The customary side hand propulsion ring adjacent to each main wheel of a manual wheelchair is mounte...
A loading apparatus for allowing wheelchair access to a vehicle is provided. The apparatus attaches ...
A device for enabling a wheelchair user to enter and exit the wheelchair includes a stabilizing fram...
One of the major difficulties for disabled persons who use a wheelchair is that there are very limit...
Federal Highway Administration2004PDFOtherhttps://ntlrepository.blob.core.windows.net/lib/78000/7820...
Individuals who have injuries that require the use of a wheel chair for a short amount of time can h...
SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:5879.95548(3) / BLDSC - British Libra...
A wheelchair with a gear system was designed and analysed in order to find a good solution for peopl...
Tema ovog završnog rada je osmisliti i konstrukcijski razraditi ukrcajnu rampu za invalidska kolica ...
Federal Highway Administration2004PDFOtherhttps://ntlrepository.blob.core.windows.net/lib/78000/7820...
Transportation for a person in a manual wheelchair, power wheelchair or scooter involves several iss...
Provided is an apparatus for use with a rear-wheel driven motorized wheelchair. The apparatus enable...
This invention pertains to an attachment to an electric wheelchair. The attachment enables an electr...
Technical ReportTransportation for people with mobility impairments who use wheelchairs depends on v...
Floor-to-wheelchair transfers are one of the most challenging tasks for individuals with lower body ...
The customary side hand propulsion ring adjacent to each main wheel of a manual wheelchair is mounte...
A loading apparatus for allowing wheelchair access to a vehicle is provided. The apparatus attaches ...
A device for enabling a wheelchair user to enter and exit the wheelchair includes a stabilizing fram...
One of the major difficulties for disabled persons who use a wheelchair is that there are very limit...
Federal Highway Administration2004PDFOtherhttps://ntlrepository.blob.core.windows.net/lib/78000/7820...
Individuals who have injuries that require the use of a wheel chair for a short amount of time can h...
SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:5879.95548(3) / BLDSC - British Libra...
A wheelchair with a gear system was designed and analysed in order to find a good solution for peopl...
Tema ovog završnog rada je osmisliti i konstrukcijski razraditi ukrcajnu rampu za invalidska kolica ...
Federal Highway Administration2004PDFOtherhttps://ntlrepository.blob.core.windows.net/lib/78000/7820...
Transportation for a person in a manual wheelchair, power wheelchair or scooter involves several iss...
Provided is an apparatus for use with a rear-wheel driven motorized wheelchair. The apparatus enable...
This invention pertains to an attachment to an electric wheelchair. The attachment enables an electr...
Technical ReportTransportation for people with mobility impairments who use wheelchairs depends on v...
Floor-to-wheelchair transfers are one of the most challenging tasks for individuals with lower body ...
The customary side hand propulsion ring adjacent to each main wheel of a manual wheelchair is mounte...