Interaction Effect of Soilless Media and Organic Amendments for Eco-Friendly Root-Knot Nematode Management in Brinjal and Tomato Nursery

  • Ambuj Bhardwaj
  • Abhishek Sharma
  • B.K. Goswami
  • Vijay Bhardwaj
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Publication date
March 2021
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology


Brinjal and tomato are the most important transplanted vegetable crops of the Solanaceae family. The successful cultivation of these crops is vital for meeting the nutritional dietary requirement of India’s population and earning foreign exchange for the country by exporting vegetables to foreign countries. However, there are several abiotic and biotic impediments in the cultivation of these crops. Among biotic impediments , plant-parasitic nematodes have become one of the critical factor adversely affecting the cultivation of these vegetables. In general, Meloidogyne spp. (root-knot nematode) is the most common, widespread and economically damaging plant parasitic nematode species in tomato and brinjal crop. In addition to the damage cause...

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