Top half of the first newspaper to report the news of Abraham Lincoln's assassination. On the left is a list of the secondary headlines.Within hours of the assassination, the New York Herald, receiving the latest news by telegraph, reported the story to its readers early on the morning of 15 April 1865
The New York Herald, No. 5916, Morning Edition, Wednesday, August 21, 1850. Oversized newspaper cons...
Stereograph showing bird's-eye view of the hearse carrying Lincoln's coffin during the funeral proce...
New York Tribune, Vol. XV. No. 1726, Tuesday, December 10, 1861. New York Tribune is an American dai...
Front page from the New York Herald of Apr. 15, 1865, announcing assassination of Abraham Lincoln....
The New York Herald, No. 5916, Morning Edition, Wednesday, August 21, 1850. Oversized newspaper cons...
Scene of the telegraph office in Washington, D.C., where the news of Lincoln's death on 15 April 186...
Contemporary coverage News from Lincoln\u27s lifetime As James M. McPherson pointed out, News stor...
Scan of the front page of Times and Seasons newspaper, City of Nauvoo, Illinois, July 1, 1844. About...
Original buff printed paper wrappers.One of 750 copies.Fish, D. Lincoln literature (1900),Monaghan,...
"Printed by request."The assassination of the President -- Discourse on the day of the funeral rites...
Cover title: Tributes of the nations to Abraham Lincoln.Mode of access: Internet
Formerly The Herald; later the New York Herald. A large-circulation New York-based newspaper which r...
Formerly The Herald; later the New York Herald. A large-circulation New York-based newspaper which r...
Formerly The Herald; later the New York Herald. A large-circulation New York-based newspaper which r...
The New York Times, Vol. XI-No. 3388, Saturday, August 2, 1862. Oversized newspaper consisting of 8 ...
The New York Herald, No. 5916, Morning Edition, Wednesday, August 21, 1850. Oversized newspaper cons...
Stereograph showing bird's-eye view of the hearse carrying Lincoln's coffin during the funeral proce...
New York Tribune, Vol. XV. No. 1726, Tuesday, December 10, 1861. New York Tribune is an American dai...
Front page from the New York Herald of Apr. 15, 1865, announcing assassination of Abraham Lincoln....
The New York Herald, No. 5916, Morning Edition, Wednesday, August 21, 1850. Oversized newspaper cons...
Scene of the telegraph office in Washington, D.C., where the news of Lincoln's death on 15 April 186...
Contemporary coverage News from Lincoln\u27s lifetime As James M. McPherson pointed out, News stor...
Scan of the front page of Times and Seasons newspaper, City of Nauvoo, Illinois, July 1, 1844. About...
Original buff printed paper wrappers.One of 750 copies.Fish, D. Lincoln literature (1900),Monaghan,...
"Printed by request."The assassination of the President -- Discourse on the day of the funeral rites...
Cover title: Tributes of the nations to Abraham Lincoln.Mode of access: Internet
Formerly The Herald; later the New York Herald. A large-circulation New York-based newspaper which r...
Formerly The Herald; later the New York Herald. A large-circulation New York-based newspaper which r...
Formerly The Herald; later the New York Herald. A large-circulation New York-based newspaper which r...
The New York Times, Vol. XI-No. 3388, Saturday, August 2, 1862. Oversized newspaper consisting of 8 ...
The New York Herald, No. 5916, Morning Edition, Wednesday, August 21, 1850. Oversized newspaper cons...
Stereograph showing bird's-eye view of the hearse carrying Lincoln's coffin during the funeral proce...
New York Tribune, Vol. XV. No. 1726, Tuesday, December 10, 1861. New York Tribune is an American dai...