Several regional and detailed bathymetric datasets together with 2D and 3D seismic data are compiled to investigate the landform assemblages and sedimentary processes along the former path of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream (NCIS). At the broad scale, the glacial geomorphology and sedimentary architecture reveals three different zones along the ice-stream path, characterized by: (1) glacial erosion in the onset zone and inner shelf area, (2) sediment transport through the main trunk of the ice stream across the mid-shelf, and (3) a zone of deposition towards the outer continental shelf edge. Along the first 400 km of the ice stream bed (outer Oslofjord–Skagerrak–Stavanger) a major overdeepening is associated with suites of crag-and-tail fe...
Using high-resolution bathymetric and shallow seismic data from the North Sea, we have mapped hither...
This paper examines marine geophysical and geological data, and new multibeam bathymetry data to des...
Mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) are ridge-groove corrugations aligned in the direction of the ...
The configuration of the marine-based NW Fennoscandian ice sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum (LG...
Ice streams are integral components of an ice sheet's mass balance and directly impact on sea level....
This thesis is mainly about the dynamics of the palaeo-ice sheets that covered Scandinavia, Barents ...
IPY2012 Conference Montréal. From Knowledge to Action, 22-27 April 2012, Montréal, CanadaThe mechani...
The stability of contemporary ice sheets is influenced by the discharge from ice streams - corridors...
Sea-floor landforms and acoustic-stratigraphic records allow interpretation of the past form and flo...
Buried submarine landforms mapped on 3D reflection seismic data sets provide the first glacial geomo...
The spatial pattern and morphometry of bedforms and their relationship to sediment thickness have be...
The Norwegian Channel Ice Stream of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet extended across the northern North Se...
In this thesis, high-resolution two- and three-dimensional seismic reflection datasets are used to e...
Mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) are ridge-groove corrugations aligned in the direction of the ...
Buried submarine landforms mapped on 3D reflection seismic data sets provide the first glacial geomo...
Using high-resolution bathymetric and shallow seismic data from the North Sea, we have mapped hither...
This paper examines marine geophysical and geological data, and new multibeam bathymetry data to des...
Mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) are ridge-groove corrugations aligned in the direction of the ...
The configuration of the marine-based NW Fennoscandian ice sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum (LG...
Ice streams are integral components of an ice sheet's mass balance and directly impact on sea level....
This thesis is mainly about the dynamics of the palaeo-ice sheets that covered Scandinavia, Barents ...
IPY2012 Conference Montréal. From Knowledge to Action, 22-27 April 2012, Montréal, CanadaThe mechani...
The stability of contemporary ice sheets is influenced by the discharge from ice streams - corridors...
Sea-floor landforms and acoustic-stratigraphic records allow interpretation of the past form and flo...
Buried submarine landforms mapped on 3D reflection seismic data sets provide the first glacial geomo...
The spatial pattern and morphometry of bedforms and their relationship to sediment thickness have be...
The Norwegian Channel Ice Stream of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet extended across the northern North Se...
In this thesis, high-resolution two- and three-dimensional seismic reflection datasets are used to e...
Mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) are ridge-groove corrugations aligned in the direction of the ...
Buried submarine landforms mapped on 3D reflection seismic data sets provide the first glacial geomo...
Using high-resolution bathymetric and shallow seismic data from the North Sea, we have mapped hither...
This paper examines marine geophysical and geological data, and new multibeam bathymetry data to des...
Mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) are ridge-groove corrugations aligned in the direction of the ...