Landform assemblages and sedimentary processes along the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream.

  • Otteson, D.
  • Stokes, C.R.
  • Bøe, R.
  • Rise, L.
  • Longva, O.
  • Thorsnes, T.
  • Olesen, O.
  • Bugge, T.
  • Lepland, A.
  • Hestvik, O.B.
Publication date
June 2016
Elsevier BV
Sedimentary Geology
Citation count (estimate)


Several regional and detailed bathymetric datasets together with 2D and 3D seismic data are compiled to investigate the landform assemblages and sedimentary processes along the former path of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream (NCIS). At the broad scale, the glacial geomorphology and sedimentary architecture reveals three different zones along the ice-stream path, characterized by: (1) glacial erosion in the onset zone and inner shelf area, (2) sediment transport through the main trunk of the ice stream across the mid-shelf, and (3) a zone of deposition towards the outer continental shelf edge. Along the first 400 km of the ice stream bed (outer Oslofjord–Skagerrak–Stavanger) a major overdeepening is associated with suites of crag-and-tail fe...

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