Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
There is a well-established allometric relationship between brain and body mass in mammals. Deviatio...
The brain of each animal shows specific traits that reflect its phylogenetic history and its particu...
Abstract The Mojokerto calvaria has been central to assessment of brain growth in Homo erectus, but ...
In order to produce an evolutionary interpretation of the rate and mode of encephalization in homini...
Encephalization has many contexts and implications. On one hand, it is concerned with the transforma...
Reseña de libro: John Bradshaw. Human Evolution. A Neuropsychological Perspective Hove, East Sussex:...
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio...
The encephalic processes’ learning is a one of complex problems of modern science. The most importan...
In this paper, we develop a paleoeconomic model of the co-evolution of economic specialization and e...
There have been very few studies of brain size and encephalization in cetaceans and essentially none...
Evolutionary encephalization, or increasing brain size relative to body size, is assumed to be a gen...
A distinctive trait in primate evolution is the expansion in brain mass. The potential drivers of th...
Evolutionary encephalization, or increasing brain size relative to body size, is assumed to be a gen...
In this paper, we develop a paleoeconomic model of the co-evolution of economic specialization and e...
Analisi della capacit\ue0 cranica di 118 crani ominidi (appartenenti ai generi Australopithecus e Ho...
There is a well-established allometric relationship between brain and body mass in mammals. Deviatio...
The brain of each animal shows specific traits that reflect its phylogenetic history and its particu...
Abstract The Mojokerto calvaria has been central to assessment of brain growth in Homo erectus, but ...
In order to produce an evolutionary interpretation of the rate and mode of encephalization in homini...
Encephalization has many contexts and implications. On one hand, it is concerned with the transforma...
Reseña de libro: John Bradshaw. Human Evolution. A Neuropsychological Perspective Hove, East Sussex:...
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio...
The encephalic processes’ learning is a one of complex problems of modern science. The most importan...
In this paper, we develop a paleoeconomic model of the co-evolution of economic specialization and e...
There have been very few studies of brain size and encephalization in cetaceans and essentially none...
Evolutionary encephalization, or increasing brain size relative to body size, is assumed to be a gen...
A distinctive trait in primate evolution is the expansion in brain mass. The potential drivers of th...
Evolutionary encephalization, or increasing brain size relative to body size, is assumed to be a gen...
In this paper, we develop a paleoeconomic model of the co-evolution of economic specialization and e...
Analisi della capacit\ue0 cranica di 118 crani ominidi (appartenenti ai generi Australopithecus e Ho...
There is a well-established allometric relationship between brain and body mass in mammals. Deviatio...
The brain of each animal shows specific traits that reflect its phylogenetic history and its particu...
Abstract The Mojokerto calvaria has been central to assessment of brain growth in Homo erectus, but ...