Innovative bio-nanocomposites based on bacterial cellulose

  • Gea, Saharman
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Publication date
January 2011


A variety natural materials that are environmentally friendly, renewable and low cost have been created. Bacterial cellulose (BC), which is produced by a harmless bacterium, Acetobacter xylinum, has been used as a reinforcement agent to form bionanocomposites. Apple and radish pulp which are themselves cellulosic, were blended with bacterial cellulose to produce a high quality nanopaper which can be used for special purposes. The resulting sheets are characterised in terms of their morphology as well as their mechanical and thermal properties. Another approach adopted was the combination of BC with bio-polymers such as poly (ε-caprolactone) and a commercially available starch based polymer, Mater-Bi. Freeze-dried BC, which was kept in its 3...

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