Studies were undertaken on the isolation and identification of reaction products of triammonium pyrophosphate (TPP), the major non-orthophosphate constituent of ammonium polyphosphate newly introduced in India, in representative soils of the alfisol, oxisol, entisol, mollisol and vertisol groups of India. Saturated solution of TPP were reacted with soils for periods of 30 minutes and one day with corresponding precipitation times of 15 days, three months and one year to isolate reaction products which were identified by X-ray diffraction technique, infra-red spectroscopy and chemical analyses. Six reaction products, namely, Ca(NH4)2P2O7 . H2O, Mg(NH4)2P2O7 . 4H2O, Ca(NH4)4H2(P2O7)2, Ca3(NH4)4H6(P2O7)4.3H2O, FeNH4P2O7 and NH4Al0.33 Fe0.67P2O...
Nitrogen (N) loss in the form of volatilized ammonia (NH₃) is a considerable problem when ammonium (...
Abstract Adsorption and precipitation reactions often dictate the availability of phosphorus in soil...
Adsorption and precipitation reactions often limit phosphorus (P) availability in soil environments....
Studies were undertaken on the isolation and identification of reaction products of triammonium pyro...
Studies were undertaken on the isolation and identification of reaction products of ammonium nitrate...
Polyphosphates have been shown to offer substantial agronomic benefits over traditional granular pho...
Liquid polyphosphate fertilizers have shown significant yield increases compared with granular ortho...
Copyright © 2007 CSIROLiquid polyphosphate fertilisers contain both orthophosphate and pyrophosphate...
Copyright © 2006 Soil Science Society of AmericaPyrophosphate is the main form of condensed P in the...
Aims: To investigate chemical activation of low-grade phosphorite from Karakalpakstan, Khojakul by a...
Liquid polyphosphate fertilisers have shown advantages in field experiments as a phosphorus (P) sour...
The article is devoted to the synthesis of a complex fertilizer magnesium-ammonium phosphate (MAP) f...
Soluble phosphorus (P) applied through phosphatic fertilizers is quickly converted into low soluble ...
Polyphosphates differ significantly from orthophosphate with respect to their chemical properties. T...
Published in Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2007; 170 (3):387-391 at www.interscience....
Nitrogen (N) loss in the form of volatilized ammonia (NH₃) is a considerable problem when ammonium (...
Abstract Adsorption and precipitation reactions often dictate the availability of phosphorus in soil...
Adsorption and precipitation reactions often limit phosphorus (P) availability in soil environments....
Studies were undertaken on the isolation and identification of reaction products of triammonium pyro...
Studies were undertaken on the isolation and identification of reaction products of ammonium nitrate...
Polyphosphates have been shown to offer substantial agronomic benefits over traditional granular pho...
Liquid polyphosphate fertilizers have shown significant yield increases compared with granular ortho...
Copyright © 2007 CSIROLiquid polyphosphate fertilisers contain both orthophosphate and pyrophosphate...
Copyright © 2006 Soil Science Society of AmericaPyrophosphate is the main form of condensed P in the...
Aims: To investigate chemical activation of low-grade phosphorite from Karakalpakstan, Khojakul by a...
Liquid polyphosphate fertilisers have shown advantages in field experiments as a phosphorus (P) sour...
The article is devoted to the synthesis of a complex fertilizer magnesium-ammonium phosphate (MAP) f...
Soluble phosphorus (P) applied through phosphatic fertilizers is quickly converted into low soluble ...
Polyphosphates differ significantly from orthophosphate with respect to their chemical properties. T...
Published in Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2007; 170 (3):387-391 at www.interscience....
Nitrogen (N) loss in the form of volatilized ammonia (NH₃) is a considerable problem when ammonium (...
Abstract Adsorption and precipitation reactions often dictate the availability of phosphorus in soil...
Adsorption and precipitation reactions often limit phosphorus (P) availability in soil environments....