The role that occupied d bands play in the inelastic lifetime of bulk and surface states in Ag is investigated from the knowledge of the quasiparticle self-energy. In the case of bulk electrons, sp bands are taken to be free-electron-like. For surface states, the surface band structure of sp states is described with the use of a realistic one-dimensional Hamiltonian. The presence of occupied d states is considered in both cases by introducing a polarizable background. We obtain inelastic lifetimes of bulk electrons that are in good agreement with first-principles band-structure calculations. Our surface-state lifetime calculations indicate that the agreement with measured lifetimes of both crystal-induced and image-potential-induced surface...
arXiv:cond-mat/0403359v1During the last decade, significant progress has been achieved in the rapidl...
A theoretical many-body analysis is presented of the electron-electron inelastic lifetimes of Shockl...
For a variety of different fields in condensed matter physics it is important to understand the dyna...
The role that occupied d bands play in the inelastic lifetime of bulk and surface states in Ag is in...
After the early suggestion by John Pendry (1980 Phys. Rev. Lett. 45 1356) to probe unoccupied bands ...
The dynamics of excited electronic states at Ag surfaces is studied by evaluating the quasiparticle ...
We present a comprehensive theoretical investigation of the electron-phonon contribution to the life...
We report extensive calculations of the imaginary part of the electron self-energy in the vicinity o...
The combined effect of single-particle and collective surface excitations in the decay of image-pote...
Theoretical investigations on the dynamics of noble metal surface state quasiparticles are presented...
We present results of a theoretical investigation of the phonon-mediated decay of metal surface stat...
We apply the wave packet propagation approach to study electronic relaxation of excited states at su...
We present first-principles calculations of electron-electron scattering rates of low-energy electro...
The role of the intrinsic surface state (n=0) in the decay of the first image state (n=1) at the (11...
For an idealized one-dimensional crystal it is possible to have energy levels whose wave functions a...
arXiv:cond-mat/0403359v1During the last decade, significant progress has been achieved in the rapidl...
A theoretical many-body analysis is presented of the electron-electron inelastic lifetimes of Shockl...
For a variety of different fields in condensed matter physics it is important to understand the dyna...
The role that occupied d bands play in the inelastic lifetime of bulk and surface states in Ag is in...
After the early suggestion by John Pendry (1980 Phys. Rev. Lett. 45 1356) to probe unoccupied bands ...
The dynamics of excited electronic states at Ag surfaces is studied by evaluating the quasiparticle ...
We present a comprehensive theoretical investigation of the electron-phonon contribution to the life...
We report extensive calculations of the imaginary part of the electron self-energy in the vicinity o...
The combined effect of single-particle and collective surface excitations in the decay of image-pote...
Theoretical investigations on the dynamics of noble metal surface state quasiparticles are presented...
We present results of a theoretical investigation of the phonon-mediated decay of metal surface stat...
We apply the wave packet propagation approach to study electronic relaxation of excited states at su...
We present first-principles calculations of electron-electron scattering rates of low-energy electro...
The role of the intrinsic surface state (n=0) in the decay of the first image state (n=1) at the (11...
For an idealized one-dimensional crystal it is possible to have energy levels whose wave functions a...
arXiv:cond-mat/0403359v1During the last decade, significant progress has been achieved in the rapidl...
A theoretical many-body analysis is presented of the electron-electron inelastic lifetimes of Shockl...
For a variety of different fields in condensed matter physics it is important to understand the dyna...