Role of occupied d bands in the dynamics of excited electrons and holes in Ag

  • García-Lekue, Aran
  • Pitarke, José María
  • Chulkov, Eugene V.
  • Liebsch, A.
  • Echenique, Pedro M.
Publication date
January 2003
American Physical Society (APS)


The role that occupied d bands play in the inelastic lifetime of bulk and surface states in Ag is investigated from the knowledge of the quasiparticle self-energy. In the case of bulk electrons, sp bands are taken to be free-electron-like. For surface states, the surface band structure of sp states is described with the use of a realistic one-dimensional Hamiltonian. The presence of occupied d states is considered in both cases by introducing a polarizable background. We obtain inelastic lifetimes of bulk electrons that are in good agreement with first-principles band-structure calculations. Our surface-state lifetime calculations indicate that the agreement with measured lifetimes of both crystal-induced and image-potential-induced surface...

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