Stock Assessment Form Demersal species. Hake GSA7. Reference year: 1998-2014. Reporting year 2015

  • Jadaud, Angelique
  • Guijarro, Beatriz
  • Massuti, Enric
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Publication date
January 2015


Hake is one of the most important demersal target species for the commercial fisheries in the Gulf of Lions (GSA 7). In this area, hake is exploited by French trawlers, French gillnetters, Spanish trawlers and Spanish longliners. Since 1998, an average of 243 boats are involved in this fishery and, according to official statistics, the total annual catches for the period 1998-2014 have oscillated around an average value of 2012 tons (1983 tons in 2014). In 2009, because of the large decline of small pelagic fish species in the area, the trawlers fishing small pelagic have diverted their effort on demersal species. Between 1998 and 2014, the number of French trawlers operating in the GSA 07 has decreased by 50%. The French trawler fleet is t...

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