This Online Appendix contains additional results and discussion for Black, Desai, Litvak, Yoo, and Yu, Specification Search in Randomized and Natural Experiments: Lessons from the Regulation SHO Experiment (2020). In particular, it contains further analysis of the various specifications and datasets publicly posted by FHK in response to an earlier draft of the paper, details on sample and other differences between our specification and the best-match specification, and step-by-step results from moving from our specification to the best-match specification for each paper
Simulation experiments: Full parameter tables for simulations and results from the second, more comp...
Supplemental material, Online_appendix_1 for Reliability for Tests With Items Having Different Numbe...
The plots and statistics generated for the data analysis are given in this data set. Furthermore,...
This Online Appendix contains additional results and discussion for Black, Desai, Litvak, Yoo, and Y...
This Appendix contains additional results and discussion for Black, Desai, Litvak, Yoo, and Yu, The ...
During 2005-2007, the SEC conducted a randomized trial in which it removed short-sale restrictions f...
This Appendix contains additional results and discussions to accompany Black, Desai, Litvak, Yoo, an...
A Evidence on the Performance of the Model and Solver Supplemental appendix tables A.1 and A.2 evalu...
Supplemental Material, jmr.15.0474-web-appendix for Attention, Information Processing, and Choice in...
We provide the full supplemental material in one file. In the file, appendix A contains the derivati...
This is the online appendix for Embrey et al. (2014). Four sections are included, which provide furt...
The online appendix contains the data sets used in the paper Crowd-based Requirements Elicitation vi...
Tables S1 and S3 contain mean and maximum number of alleles and intrinsic merit ranges for both the ...
This document, Search Instructions for Algorithm Study, is an electronic Appendix B to, and is cit...
This data sets contains all the data for two experiments of our manuscript entitled "Creativity: Int...
Simulation experiments: Full parameter tables for simulations and results from the second, more comp...
Supplemental material, Online_appendix_1 for Reliability for Tests With Items Having Different Numbe...
The plots and statistics generated for the data analysis are given in this data set. Furthermore,...
This Online Appendix contains additional results and discussion for Black, Desai, Litvak, Yoo, and Y...
This Appendix contains additional results and discussion for Black, Desai, Litvak, Yoo, and Yu, The ...
During 2005-2007, the SEC conducted a randomized trial in which it removed short-sale restrictions f...
This Appendix contains additional results and discussions to accompany Black, Desai, Litvak, Yoo, an...
A Evidence on the Performance of the Model and Solver Supplemental appendix tables A.1 and A.2 evalu...
Supplemental Material, jmr.15.0474-web-appendix for Attention, Information Processing, and Choice in...
We provide the full supplemental material in one file. In the file, appendix A contains the derivati...
This is the online appendix for Embrey et al. (2014). Four sections are included, which provide furt...
The online appendix contains the data sets used in the paper Crowd-based Requirements Elicitation vi...
Tables S1 and S3 contain mean and maximum number of alleles and intrinsic merit ranges for both the ...
This document, Search Instructions for Algorithm Study, is an electronic Appendix B to, and is cit...
This data sets contains all the data for two experiments of our manuscript entitled "Creativity: Int...
Simulation experiments: Full parameter tables for simulations and results from the second, more comp...
Supplemental material, Online_appendix_1 for Reliability for Tests With Items Having Different Numbe...
The plots and statistics generated for the data analysis are given in this data set. Furthermore,...