This presentation provides comparative analysis of agricultural holdings in Estonia based on the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) data. The FADN data for reference years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 have been analysed. The FADN data analyses showed, that there are very big differences in the structure of the agricultural holdings. Individual farms represent ca 92% of the total population of agricultural producers but at the same time their part in total production attains less than 50% according to the FADN data for year 2003
Small farms are subject to a wide range of influences on their viability including economic, policy ...
The changes in farm structure have been observed in Lithuania as well as in other Central and Easter...
The paper adresses an approach on indicators from the public database FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Ne...
This presentation provides comparative analysis of agricultural holdings in Estonia based on the Far...
The aim of this study is to analyse the efficiency of Estonian grain farms after Estonias transition...
The EU member states have established FADN (The Farm Accountancy Data Network) system to collect and...
Based on selected individual data acquired from Farm Accountancy Data Network database the output ef...
The purpose of this paper is to analyse productivity change of Estonian dairy farms during the perio...
The task of FADN accounting data is to secure accounting data from agricultural farms involved in th...
Because of the new definition, the status of an agricultural holding was lost by holdings of natural...
Bakalaureusetöö Maamajandusliku ettevõtluse ja finantsjuhtimise õppekavalPõllumajandus sõltub väga ...
The changes in farm structure have been observed in Lithuania as well as in other Central and Easter...
The bachelor thesis evaluates the financial development of farms throughout the period of 2013-2017 ...
The EU membership meant liberalisation and opening of the agro-food sector for foreign trade in Finl...
Sustainable agriculture is the basis for long-term economic growth ensuring employment for the rural...
Small farms are subject to a wide range of influences on their viability including economic, policy ...
The changes in farm structure have been observed in Lithuania as well as in other Central and Easter...
The paper adresses an approach on indicators from the public database FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Ne...
This presentation provides comparative analysis of agricultural holdings in Estonia based on the Far...
The aim of this study is to analyse the efficiency of Estonian grain farms after Estonias transition...
The EU member states have established FADN (The Farm Accountancy Data Network) system to collect and...
Based on selected individual data acquired from Farm Accountancy Data Network database the output ef...
The purpose of this paper is to analyse productivity change of Estonian dairy farms during the perio...
The task of FADN accounting data is to secure accounting data from agricultural farms involved in th...
Because of the new definition, the status of an agricultural holding was lost by holdings of natural...
Bakalaureusetöö Maamajandusliku ettevõtluse ja finantsjuhtimise õppekavalPõllumajandus sõltub väga ...
The changes in farm structure have been observed in Lithuania as well as in other Central and Easter...
The bachelor thesis evaluates the financial development of farms throughout the period of 2013-2017 ...
The EU membership meant liberalisation and opening of the agro-food sector for foreign trade in Finl...
Sustainable agriculture is the basis for long-term economic growth ensuring employment for the rural...
Small farms are subject to a wide range of influences on their viability including economic, policy ...
The changes in farm structure have been observed in Lithuania as well as in other Central and Easter...
The paper adresses an approach on indicators from the public database FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Ne...