Discoveries of Iberian and Roman cemetery remains in the city of Lorca, both attested to by historiographical accounts and also by identification of new sites, serve to enrich our knowledge of the city during the period of Republican Rome.Las noticias y referencias de hallazgos romanos en el municipio de Lorca se han centrado en restos que por su significación llamaron la atención de eruditos e historiadores.(...
En este trabajo se estudian nuevas inscripciones de la necrópolis romana de Cádiz, procedentes de la...
The finding of a large series of Roman architectural elements utilized more than once in the walls a...
The sources mention the existence on the Syrian Upper Euphates, between Qalcat NaYm and the actual T...
A catalogue of the archaeological sites up to now in the northern district of Lorca. Each one is stu...
Approuch to the functioning of an important prustig villa located N. of the municipality of Lorca, o...
This article presents written and spoken news about Roman discoveries in Huelva and its surroundings...
A rescue excavation and the study of materials from private collections have allowed to know importa...
En este artículo presentamos aquellas noticias, tanto escritas como orales, sobre los muchos hallazg...
The appearance and recognition of exceptional pieces of Attic ware from Greece are enhanced by an un...
The finding of a large series of Roman architectural elements utilized more than once in the walls a...
The archaeological remains attributable to the Iron Age, the Republican and the Imperial Roman perio...
This paper makes an approach to the Galician Roman funerary world through the study of 48 cemeteries...
This paper analyzes the development of the Iberian and Roman settlement between the 5th BC-3rd AD ce...
The archaeological remains attributable to the Iron Age, the Republican and the Imperial Roman perio...
In the last years, either progress in landscape archaeology as well as studies on the epigraphy of p...
En este trabajo se estudian nuevas inscripciones de la necrópolis romana de Cádiz, procedentes de la...
The finding of a large series of Roman architectural elements utilized more than once in the walls a...
The sources mention the existence on the Syrian Upper Euphates, between Qalcat NaYm and the actual T...
A catalogue of the archaeological sites up to now in the northern district of Lorca. Each one is stu...
Approuch to the functioning of an important prustig villa located N. of the municipality of Lorca, o...
This article presents written and spoken news about Roman discoveries in Huelva and its surroundings...
A rescue excavation and the study of materials from private collections have allowed to know importa...
En este artículo presentamos aquellas noticias, tanto escritas como orales, sobre los muchos hallazg...
The appearance and recognition of exceptional pieces of Attic ware from Greece are enhanced by an un...
The finding of a large series of Roman architectural elements utilized more than once in the walls a...
The archaeological remains attributable to the Iron Age, the Republican and the Imperial Roman perio...
This paper makes an approach to the Galician Roman funerary world through the study of 48 cemeteries...
This paper analyzes the development of the Iberian and Roman settlement between the 5th BC-3rd AD ce...
The archaeological remains attributable to the Iron Age, the Republican and the Imperial Roman perio...
In the last years, either progress in landscape archaeology as well as studies on the epigraphy of p...
En este trabajo se estudian nuevas inscripciones de la necrópolis romana de Cádiz, procedentes de la...
The finding of a large series of Roman architectural elements utilized more than once in the walls a...
The sources mention the existence on the Syrian Upper Euphates, between Qalcat NaYm and the actual T...