The prevalence of adversities in early childhood, such as physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, as well as familial dysfunction (e.g., caregiver divorce/separation, caregiver incarceration, etc.) is often examined in community adult samples. According to the Kaiser Permanente’s Adverse Childhood Experiences study, 10.6% of the general population reported experiencing emotional abuse in childhood, 28.3% reported experiencing physical abuse in childhood, and 20.7% reported being the victim of sexual abuse in childhood. Notably, many reported experiencing multiple forms of abuse. These statistics, however, are not generalizable to the experiences of youths involved with the criminal justice system, which are understudied but likely higher tha...
Childhood sexual abuse is represents a significant public health problem in the United States, as 21...
This brief, which is based on data from the Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, finds that ru...
The treatment needs of youth who are convicted of sex offenses and the needs of their families, have...
Early exposure to abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction is linked to long-term detrimental effec...
ocial workers often find themselves working with children or adolescents who have been victims of ad...
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have long been linked to poor physical, mental, and behavioral ...
Early exposure to abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction is linked to long-term detrimental effec...
Rates of substantiated child abuse and neglect vary significantly across counties. Despite strong cr...
Sexual offenses can be categorized as intra- or extra-familial, reflecting the relationship between ...
Available data suggest a significant rise in family-based offenses during the COVID-19 pandemic quar...
Abstract Approximately 150,000 confirmed cases of child sexual abuse were reported to child welfare ...
A substantial proportion of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by adolescents and even younger childr...
The abused-abuser hypothesis posits that a history of sexual victimization may increase the risk of ...
Child abuse, ranging from neglect to sexual abuse and murder, is a serious problem in contemporary A...
We examined prevalence and predictors of trauma among HIV-infected persons in the Deep South using d...
Childhood sexual abuse is represents a significant public health problem in the United States, as 21...
This brief, which is based on data from the Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, finds that ru...
The treatment needs of youth who are convicted of sex offenses and the needs of their families, have...
Early exposure to abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction is linked to long-term detrimental effec...
ocial workers often find themselves working with children or adolescents who have been victims of ad...
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have long been linked to poor physical, mental, and behavioral ...
Early exposure to abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction is linked to long-term detrimental effec...
Rates of substantiated child abuse and neglect vary significantly across counties. Despite strong cr...
Sexual offenses can be categorized as intra- or extra-familial, reflecting the relationship between ...
Available data suggest a significant rise in family-based offenses during the COVID-19 pandemic quar...
Abstract Approximately 150,000 confirmed cases of child sexual abuse were reported to child welfare ...
A substantial proportion of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by adolescents and even younger childr...
The abused-abuser hypothesis posits that a history of sexual victimization may increase the risk of ...
Child abuse, ranging from neglect to sexual abuse and murder, is a serious problem in contemporary A...
We examined prevalence and predictors of trauma among HIV-infected persons in the Deep South using d...
Childhood sexual abuse is represents a significant public health problem in the United States, as 21...
This brief, which is based on data from the Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, finds that ru...
The treatment needs of youth who are convicted of sex offenses and the needs of their families, have...