The auxiliaries of the perfect canonically select a past participle (PSP) in the West-Germanic languages. In Dutch and German, however, some verbs take the infinitival form instead. The phenomenon is known as "Infinitivus Pro Participio" (IPP). This paper identifies the verbs which – obligatorily or optionally – take the IPP form in Dutch and German, and it proposes a new typology of those verbs. It builds on a number of existing lists and classifications, but it is more firmly based on actual language data, as found in treebanks and on the Web. Making use of those data, it is shown why the new typology is more comprehensive and accurate than the existing classifications.status: publishe
The Infinitivus Pro Participio (IPP) effect involves the appearance of an infinitive where one would...
Although sentence final verbal clusters in dialects of Dutch demonstrate a large amount of variation...
The word order in a phrase such as all John's friends, in which a universal quantifier is immediatel...
The auxiliaries of the perfect canonically select a past participle (PSP) in the West-Germanic langu...
'Infinitivus pro participio' (IPP) is a syntactic phenomenon occurring in a subset of West Germanic ...
Infinitivus pro participio (IPP) or Ersatzinfinitiv is a linguistic phenomenon occurring in a subset...
Based on a division into subject raising, subject control, and object rais-ing verbs, syntactic and ...
Based on a division into subject raising, subject control, and object raising verbs, we made a disti...
Compared to well-resourced languages such as English and Dutch, NLP tools for linguistic analysis in...
This paper focusses on the so-called partitive pronoun in French and Dutch, and the corresponding da...
This paper focusses on the so-called partitive pronoun in French and Dutch, and the corresponding da...
This article adopts the traditional claim in Dutch linguistics that periphrastic perfect-tense const...
This paper investigates three verbs expressing necessity in the three West Germanic languages: Dutch...
This dissertation investigates the grammaticalization of posture verbs in Dutch and German. Dutch po...
Dutch nominalised infinitives have been notoriously difficult to analyse, partly because they seem t...
The Infinitivus Pro Participio (IPP) effect involves the appearance of an infinitive where one would...
Although sentence final verbal clusters in dialects of Dutch demonstrate a large amount of variation...
The word order in a phrase such as all John's friends, in which a universal quantifier is immediatel...
The auxiliaries of the perfect canonically select a past participle (PSP) in the West-Germanic langu...
'Infinitivus pro participio' (IPP) is a syntactic phenomenon occurring in a subset of West Germanic ...
Infinitivus pro participio (IPP) or Ersatzinfinitiv is a linguistic phenomenon occurring in a subset...
Based on a division into subject raising, subject control, and object rais-ing verbs, syntactic and ...
Based on a division into subject raising, subject control, and object raising verbs, we made a disti...
Compared to well-resourced languages such as English and Dutch, NLP tools for linguistic analysis in...
This paper focusses on the so-called partitive pronoun in French and Dutch, and the corresponding da...
This paper focusses on the so-called partitive pronoun in French and Dutch, and the corresponding da...
This article adopts the traditional claim in Dutch linguistics that periphrastic perfect-tense const...
This paper investigates three verbs expressing necessity in the three West Germanic languages: Dutch...
This dissertation investigates the grammaticalization of posture verbs in Dutch and German. Dutch po...
Dutch nominalised infinitives have been notoriously difficult to analyse, partly because they seem t...
The Infinitivus Pro Participio (IPP) effect involves the appearance of an infinitive where one would...
Although sentence final verbal clusters in dialects of Dutch demonstrate a large amount of variation...
The word order in a phrase such as all John's friends, in which a universal quantifier is immediatel...