Les Étrusques de la plaine du Pô. Quelques réflexions entre historiographie et nouveautés archéologiques

  • Cavalieri, Marco
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Publication date
January 2015


The geographical, ethnical and environmental diversity of Cisalpine Gaul before Roman conquest – starting with the foundation of the Latin colony of Ariminum in 268 BC – makes synthetic approaches to the Padan region difficult, if not impossible. The objective of this paper is to propose an archaeological and historiographical synthesis on Etruscan presence in North of Italy (8th-4th century B.C.): this fact allows some considerations on urban and rural regions, in particular concerning the Cispadane countryside. The text is drawn from the homonymous lecture presented in the framework of the round table “Aux sources de la civilisation européenne: les Étrusques”, on 7th October 2014 at Cinquantenaire Museum

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