It has been shown that spatial information can be acquired from both visual and nonvisual modalities. The present study explored how spatial information from vision and proprioception was represented in memory, investigating orientation dependence of spatial memories acquired through visual and proprioceptive spatial learning. Experiment 1 examined whether visual learning alone and proprioceptive learning alone yielded orientation-dependent spatial memory. Results showed that spatial memories from both types of learning were orientation dependent. Experiment 2 explored how different orientations of the same environment were represented when they were learned visually and proprioceptively. Results showed that both visually and proprioceptive...
While people frequently change perspectives around the ground plane, they less do so around the vert...
Abstract. This chapter summarizes a new theory of spatial memory. According to the theory, when peop...
Spatial memories are often organized around reference frames, and environmental shape provides a sal...
The present study investigated whether memory for a room-sized spatial layout learned through audito...
In this study, we examined the orientation dependency of spatial representations following various l...
Humans can learn and remember information about en-vironmental spatial layouts through direct means ...
In one experiment we examined the organizational structure of spatial memories for familiar environm...
Findings in spatial cognition document that people store spatial information about unfamiliar enviro...
Objects in an environment are often encountered sequentially during spatial learning, forming a path...
We examined whether spatial representations for scenes experienced on the screens of mobile devices ...
Research in spatial cognition examining how unfamiliar spatial layouts are represented in memory, ha...
Previous behavioral and neurophysiological research has shown better memory for horizontal than for ...
This research investigates how visuo-spatial abilities (such as mental rotation - MR - and visuo-spa...
Spatial memories are organized around reference frames, and environmental shape provides a salient c...
Two experiments investigated whether the spatial reference directions that are used to specify objec...
While people frequently change perspectives around the ground plane, they less do so around the vert...
Abstract. This chapter summarizes a new theory of spatial memory. According to the theory, when peop...
Spatial memories are often organized around reference frames, and environmental shape provides a sal...
The present study investigated whether memory for a room-sized spatial layout learned through audito...
In this study, we examined the orientation dependency of spatial representations following various l...
Humans can learn and remember information about en-vironmental spatial layouts through direct means ...
In one experiment we examined the organizational structure of spatial memories for familiar environm...
Findings in spatial cognition document that people store spatial information about unfamiliar enviro...
Objects in an environment are often encountered sequentially during spatial learning, forming a path...
We examined whether spatial representations for scenes experienced on the screens of mobile devices ...
Research in spatial cognition examining how unfamiliar spatial layouts are represented in memory, ha...
Previous behavioral and neurophysiological research has shown better memory for horizontal than for ...
This research investigates how visuo-spatial abilities (such as mental rotation - MR - and visuo-spa...
Spatial memories are organized around reference frames, and environmental shape provides a salient c...
Two experiments investigated whether the spatial reference directions that are used to specify objec...
While people frequently change perspectives around the ground plane, they less do so around the vert...
Abstract. This chapter summarizes a new theory of spatial memory. According to the theory, when peop...
Spatial memories are often organized around reference frames, and environmental shape provides a sal...