Reducing Diet-Induced Cancer Through Federal Regulation: Opportunities and Obstacles

  • Merrill, Richard A.
Publication date
April 1985
Scholarship@Vanderbilt Law


For more than a decade, federal health regulatory agencies have devoted major attention to controlling human exposure to substances believed capable of causing cancer. These efforts have evoked a broad spectrum of criticism; government has been accused of both indolence in the face of an incipient epidemic\u27 and reckless distortion of science to support restrictions on substances that present only trivial risks. A central object of regulatory concern has been the safety of the food supply. At least since the 1958 Food Additives Amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act),\u27with its famous Delaney Clause, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has sought, with mixed success, to identify food constituents that pose ca...

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