The properties of three different forms of error matrices in electron diffraction are investigated, assuming the presence of stationary, Gaussian, Markovian noise in the primary data. The error matrices studied are Mxp based on the optimum weight matrix P the bona fide error matrix Mxw based on the nonoptimum weight matrix W, and the false error matrix Mxo commonly calculated by diffractionists using the formula for the optimum error matrix while incorporating a nonoptimum weighting. Simple formulae relating the elements of the various matrices are derived in the case where W is the best diagonal weight matrix and where geometric constraints are not imposed on parameters. The influence of geometric constraints is tested. Calculations indica...
Abstract Diffuse rings from amorphous materials sit on a steep background resulting in a monot...
A state-of-the-art gas electron diffraction (GED) apparatus has been reassembled in the school of c...
The reliability of the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) to reconstruct finite temperature electron densi...
Electron diffractionists have largely ignored the effect of systematic errors in intensities upon de...
Vishnevskiy YV. The initial processing of the gas electron diffraction data: An improved method for ...
Model calculations are presented of L E E D intensities diffracted by a onedimensionally disordered...
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to high energy electron diffraction and elastic and ...
Differential cross sections for electron scattering based on molecular Hartree–Fock electron densiti...
The purpose of this chapter is to outline some recent developments in the use of the ME method in ma...
An analytic procedure to be used in the interpretation of electron diffraction photographs for gases...
In this paper a method for collecting electron diffraction patterns using a Gatan imaging filter is ...
The interpretation of electron micrographs becomes easier after filtering of the photographic and el...
Special files of punched cards for use with the electrical accounting machines of the International ...
A new method has been developed to determine the misfit of disc-shaped precipitates in a matrix usin...
Electron diffraction patterns obtained on a TEM contain elliptical distortion resulting from column ...
Abstract Diffuse rings from amorphous materials sit on a steep background resulting in a monot...
A state-of-the-art gas electron diffraction (GED) apparatus has been reassembled in the school of c...
The reliability of the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) to reconstruct finite temperature electron densi...
Electron diffractionists have largely ignored the effect of systematic errors in intensities upon de...
Vishnevskiy YV. The initial processing of the gas electron diffraction data: An improved method for ...
Model calculations are presented of L E E D intensities diffracted by a onedimensionally disordered...
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to high energy electron diffraction and elastic and ...
Differential cross sections for electron scattering based on molecular Hartree–Fock electron densiti...
The purpose of this chapter is to outline some recent developments in the use of the ME method in ma...
An analytic procedure to be used in the interpretation of electron diffraction photographs for gases...
In this paper a method for collecting electron diffraction patterns using a Gatan imaging filter is ...
The interpretation of electron micrographs becomes easier after filtering of the photographic and el...
Special files of punched cards for use with the electrical accounting machines of the International ...
A new method has been developed to determine the misfit of disc-shaped precipitates in a matrix usin...
Electron diffraction patterns obtained on a TEM contain elliptical distortion resulting from column ...
Abstract Diffuse rings from amorphous materials sit on a steep background resulting in a monot...
A state-of-the-art gas electron diffraction (GED) apparatus has been reassembled in the school of c...
The reliability of the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) to reconstruct finite temperature electron densi...