Advocacy journalism takes the basic principles of journalism — factual integrity, clear concise writing, storytelling, and educating the public — and uses them to tell the story of a particular cause or organization. Advocacy journalism moves one step past the traditional confines of journalism to reach an audience with a particular message. As Reader (2011) said, Objectivity is about presenting what is, but advocacy is about changing what will be (p. 2). The goal of this project was to use advocacy journalism within a blog platform to raise awareness of the work for the not-for-profit organization, Casa Elizabeth, a home for pregnant teenagers in crisis situations in Quito, Ecuador. The project represents a creative project begun during ...
Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit organization that creates affordable and sustainable home...
BackgroundSocial media offer an unprecedented opportunity to explore how people talk about health ca...
Our research project’s purpose is to inform the local community on the ethics and effectiveness as w...
Advocacy journalism takes the basic principles of journalism — factual integrity, clear concise writ...
Advocacy journalism takes the basic principles of journalism—factual integrity, clear concise writin...
BACKGROUND:In rural areas of the Loreto region within the Peruvian Amazon, maternal mortality rate i...
The teen pregnancy rate in the United States has been rapidly and steadily declining across all ethn...
In 2010, Save the Children UK ran its blogladesh campaign, organizing a media trip to Bangladesh to ...
Millions of youths in developing countries are described by UNICEF as “invisible and excluded.” They...
This paper presents the Ford Foundation-funded Hear Our Stories: Diasporic Youth for Sexual Rights a...
Introduction: The article analyses the effect of narrative persuasion and media literacy level on at...
Abstract only availableJournalism is a process in which people can begin to understand their realiti...
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015Purpose: Digital storytelling is an emergent method...
Pregnant and parenting young women are simultaneously silenced and overrepresented by raced and clas...
This study examines if there was a significant statistical relation between people's knowledge of th...
Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit organization that creates affordable and sustainable home...
BackgroundSocial media offer an unprecedented opportunity to explore how people talk about health ca...
Our research project’s purpose is to inform the local community on the ethics and effectiveness as w...
Advocacy journalism takes the basic principles of journalism — factual integrity, clear concise writ...
Advocacy journalism takes the basic principles of journalism—factual integrity, clear concise writin...
BACKGROUND:In rural areas of the Loreto region within the Peruvian Amazon, maternal mortality rate i...
The teen pregnancy rate in the United States has been rapidly and steadily declining across all ethn...
In 2010, Save the Children UK ran its blogladesh campaign, organizing a media trip to Bangladesh to ...
Millions of youths in developing countries are described by UNICEF as “invisible and excluded.” They...
This paper presents the Ford Foundation-funded Hear Our Stories: Diasporic Youth for Sexual Rights a...
Introduction: The article analyses the effect of narrative persuasion and media literacy level on at...
Abstract only availableJournalism is a process in which people can begin to understand their realiti...
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015Purpose: Digital storytelling is an emergent method...
Pregnant and parenting young women are simultaneously silenced and overrepresented by raced and clas...
This study examines if there was a significant statistical relation between people's knowledge of th...
Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit organization that creates affordable and sustainable home...
BackgroundSocial media offer an unprecedented opportunity to explore how people talk about health ca...
Our research project’s purpose is to inform the local community on the ethics and effectiveness as w...