Religious fasting increase fat free mass (FFM) and reduce abdominal obesity

  • Khattak, Muhammad Muzaffar Ali Khan
  • Abu Bakar, Ibrahim
  • Yeim, Liyana
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Publication date
January 2012
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of fasting on anthropometry and body composition in fasting obese and non-obese subjects. Design/methodology/approach: In total, 25 volunteers (male and female) were recruited during Ramadan. Age, sex, weight, height, waist and hip circumference and menstrual cycle status (in case of females) were recorded on day 1, and on day 21 weight and waist and hip circumference were also recorded. Similarly, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) was performed on days 1 and 21 for the assessment of changes in body composition. From weight and height, basal metabolic Index (BMI) was determined. Waist-hip ratio was determined from the waist and hip circumferences. Findings: Weight was signifi...

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