This research aimed to find out and explaining the influence of understanding state symbol meaning to the students nasionalism at SMK Yasmida Ambarawa. This research used descriptive method. There were 56 repondents as the sample of this research. Data analysis of this research was Chi Kuadrat. Based on the result of this research, it was shown that there was a closeness degree with contigency coefficient C = 0.66 and maximum contigency coefficient Cmax = 0.81 so that the researcher obtained the values 0.81 included to the very strong or very influential. It could be concluded that there was an influence of understanding state symbol to the students nasionalism at SMK Yasmida Ambarawa. Therefore, students were expected to have high awarenes...
This study is aimed to describe meaning represented in symbols of rituals of NyawE and Beras Pati in...
Abstrak: Artikel penelitian ini menemukan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara pemahaman s...
The purpose of this study is to identify and explain understanding how history influences the attitu...
This research aimed to find out and explaining the influence of understanding state symbol meaning t...
Banyak riset menunjukkan beberapa kecenderungan menipisnya jiwa nasionalisme di kalangan generasi mu...
This study aims to determine the meanings contained in the sequence of the ceremonial procession in ...
ABSTRACT The research aimed to investigation how understanding student on elementary school base on ...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mendiskripsikan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap nilai-nilai nasionali...
This study was aimed at finding out how the relation between understanding of Indonesian national mo...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sikap nasionalisme siswa melalui pembelajaran Sejarah de...
Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, Hubungan Sikap Nasionalisme dengan Kesadaran Se...
The result of research showed that the implementation of nationality character reinforcement in SMA ...
The result of research showed that the implementation of nationality character reinforcement in SMA ...
The background of the research is the moral problems related to the the nation’s characters that occ...
Konflik antar umat beragama banyak terjadi di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Sebagai bangsa yang maje...
This study is aimed to describe meaning represented in symbols of rituals of NyawE and Beras Pati in...
Abstrak: Artikel penelitian ini menemukan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara pemahaman s...
The purpose of this study is to identify and explain understanding how history influences the attitu...
This research aimed to find out and explaining the influence of understanding state symbol meaning t...
Banyak riset menunjukkan beberapa kecenderungan menipisnya jiwa nasionalisme di kalangan generasi mu...
This study aims to determine the meanings contained in the sequence of the ceremonial procession in ...
ABSTRACT The research aimed to investigation how understanding student on elementary school base on ...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mendiskripsikan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap nilai-nilai nasionali...
This study was aimed at finding out how the relation between understanding of Indonesian national mo...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sikap nasionalisme siswa melalui pembelajaran Sejarah de...
Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, Hubungan Sikap Nasionalisme dengan Kesadaran Se...
The result of research showed that the implementation of nationality character reinforcement in SMA ...
The result of research showed that the implementation of nationality character reinforcement in SMA ...
The background of the research is the moral problems related to the the nation’s characters that occ...
Konflik antar umat beragama banyak terjadi di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Sebagai bangsa yang maje...
This study is aimed to describe meaning represented in symbols of rituals of NyawE and Beras Pati in...
Abstrak: Artikel penelitian ini menemukan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara pemahaman s...
The purpose of this study is to identify and explain understanding how history influences the attitu...