This study aimed to analyze how the market timing ability (HMT) influences the performance of investors to the Brazilian equity funds. For this, it was measured the performance of investors to the Brazilian equity funds, based on cumulative cash flows over the period of analysis, from 2010 to 2015. Additionally, it was quantified the investor HMT, based on the difference between the performance of managers and the performance of investors. It was also analyzed the relationship between HMT and quality of funds selected by investors, based on risk-adjusted return, determined by three and four factors models. Finally, possible determinants of investor HMT were investigated, based on the characteristics of the Brazilian equity funds, through qu...
Beyond the differences in management and determinants of investment funds, which affects its results...
Esta dissertaÃÃo visa contribuir ao mainstream da Teoria de ApreÃamento de Ativos, ao analisar o des...
A relação entre captação e desempenho é muito estudada na literatura brasileira de fundos. Os artigo...
This study aimed to analyze how the market timing ability (HMT) influences the performance of invest...
This research evaluated the quality of the management of Brazilian stock funds on the period from Ja...
This research evaluated the quality of the management of Brazilian stock funds on the period from Ja...
This study investigates whether managers of Fixed Income Brazilian funds exhibit market-timing abili...
O objetivo central do presente trabalho é calcular os índices de desempenho dos fundos de ações no m...
De acordo com a teoria de equity market timing, as companhias tendem a emitir ações ou dívidas de mo...
Most of investment funds has the advantage of shares liquidity. For that reason, managers of some ty...
This article analyzes the Brazilian stock mutual funds market, proposing dynamic rankings constructe...
This study attempts to understand the selectivity and market timing abilities of the Portuguese mutu...
Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar a existência de Habilidade de Market-Timinig (HMT) dos ges...
De acordo com a teoria de market timing, as empresas aproveitam janelas de oportunidade para a capta...
De acordo com a teoria de market timing, as empresas aproveitam janelas de oportunidade para a capta...
Beyond the differences in management and determinants of investment funds, which affects its results...
Esta dissertaÃÃo visa contribuir ao mainstream da Teoria de ApreÃamento de Ativos, ao analisar o des...
A relação entre captação e desempenho é muito estudada na literatura brasileira de fundos. Os artigo...
This study aimed to analyze how the market timing ability (HMT) influences the performance of invest...
This research evaluated the quality of the management of Brazilian stock funds on the period from Ja...
This research evaluated the quality of the management of Brazilian stock funds on the period from Ja...
This study investigates whether managers of Fixed Income Brazilian funds exhibit market-timing abili...
O objetivo central do presente trabalho é calcular os índices de desempenho dos fundos de ações no m...
De acordo com a teoria de equity market timing, as companhias tendem a emitir ações ou dívidas de mo...
Most of investment funds has the advantage of shares liquidity. For that reason, managers of some ty...
This article analyzes the Brazilian stock mutual funds market, proposing dynamic rankings constructe...
This study attempts to understand the selectivity and market timing abilities of the Portuguese mutu...
Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar a existência de Habilidade de Market-Timinig (HMT) dos ges...
De acordo com a teoria de market timing, as empresas aproveitam janelas de oportunidade para a capta...
De acordo com a teoria de market timing, as empresas aproveitam janelas de oportunidade para a capta...
Beyond the differences in management and determinants of investment funds, which affects its results...
Esta dissertaÃÃo visa contribuir ao mainstream da Teoria de ApreÃamento de Ativos, ao analisar o des...
A relação entre captação e desempenho é muito estudada na literatura brasileira de fundos. Os artigo...