The aim of this study is to scrutinise whether a dynamic equilibrium model based on sustainability of the demography is valid for pure beech plenter forests. Broad-leaved trees in general, and beech in particular react differently to individualisation and to shade than conifers, because of differences in space occupancy and their reaction to shade. Therefore application of the plenter system (or selection system) presents other constraints than for conifers forests. Sustainability must be assessed at stand level, because the plenter system functions without cover interruption and so needs continuous recruitment growing from the stand bottom up. The algorithm used for determination of demographic equilibrium depends on knowledge of the recru...
We present a projection matrix model to estimate the sustainable harvest rates and the stable diame...
• This contribution presents a dynamic stand growth model for Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)...
A comparison of population dynamics and forest architecture has been carried in two well preserved b...
Abstract – The aim of this study is to scrutinise whether a dynamic equilibrium model based on susta...
Selection silviculture aims to create and maintain uneven-aged forests with a diameter at breast hei...
Lately debates have occurred questioning the rotation system, which is the most used silvicultural s...
Quantitative criteria for assessing demographic sustainability of tree populations would be useful i...
<p>Maintaining a permanent forest canopy cover and eventually harvesting wood in a final harvest acc...
Static models of forest growth, such as yield tables or cumulative growth functions, generally fail...
In forest communities, light competition is a key process for community assembly. Species' differenc...
In order to describe the productivity of pure even-aged stands of common beech, a system of three di...
Tree recruitment models are important for predicting the dynamics of uneven-aged forests. Previous s...
We investigated the relationship between tree size and radial growth of oak in mixed oak-beech stand...
Historical radial increment data based on tree ring analyses from the close-to-nature experimental f...
<p><em>Aim of study:</em> This contribution describes a systematic search method for identifying opt...
We present a projection matrix model to estimate the sustainable harvest rates and the stable diame...
• This contribution presents a dynamic stand growth model for Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)...
A comparison of population dynamics and forest architecture has been carried in two well preserved b...
Abstract – The aim of this study is to scrutinise whether a dynamic equilibrium model based on susta...
Selection silviculture aims to create and maintain uneven-aged forests with a diameter at breast hei...
Lately debates have occurred questioning the rotation system, which is the most used silvicultural s...
Quantitative criteria for assessing demographic sustainability of tree populations would be useful i...
<p>Maintaining a permanent forest canopy cover and eventually harvesting wood in a final harvest acc...
Static models of forest growth, such as yield tables or cumulative growth functions, generally fail...
In forest communities, light competition is a key process for community assembly. Species' differenc...
In order to describe the productivity of pure even-aged stands of common beech, a system of three di...
Tree recruitment models are important for predicting the dynamics of uneven-aged forests. Previous s...
We investigated the relationship between tree size and radial growth of oak in mixed oak-beech stand...
Historical radial increment data based on tree ring analyses from the close-to-nature experimental f...
<p><em>Aim of study:</em> This contribution describes a systematic search method for identifying opt...
We present a projection matrix model to estimate the sustainable harvest rates and the stable diame...
• This contribution presents a dynamic stand growth model for Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)...
A comparison of population dynamics and forest architecture has been carried in two well preserved b...