[clinical Aspects And Complete Blood Counts In Children Exposed To Hiv-1: Comparison Between Infected Patients And Seroreverters]

  • Silva, E B
  • Grotto, H Z
  • Vilela, M M
Publication date
November 2015


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the evolution of clinical and hematological aspects of children exposed to the vertical transmission of HIV-1, comparing infected patients with uninfected ones or seroreverters. METHODS: Prospective, descriptive, longitudinal study. We analyzed 79 children born from HIV-1 infected mothers, under clinical follow up from March, 1996 until November, 1997, at the Immunodeficiency division of the Hospital de Clínicas da Unicamp (State University Hospital of Campinas). RESULTS: Failure to thrive was observed in both groups, but was greater among seroreverters. Among the infected children, 23 mothers did not use AZT during pregnancy, 16 of them (61.5%) had been breastfed, four were classified into clinical category N, seven i...

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