Perbedaan Aktivitas Antioksidan pada Minuman Tradisional Wedang Uwuh Original, Seduh, Celup, Instan dan Sirup

  • Septiyani, Retnosyari
  • Rahmawati, Elok
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Publication date
October 2019
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Kampus 3


Wedang uwuh as a distinctive traditional beverage from Imogiri Yogyakarta has been widely known to the wider community and even began to develop a lot like wedang uwuh in the form of the original herb, brewed, dipped, instant and syrup. However, research on wedang uwuh is still very limited. Therefore this study aims to conduct a proximate analysis test on the original wedang uwuh, brewed, dipped, instant and syrup so that the chemical content is known and to test antioxidant activity so that it can provide information to the public about the types of variants of wedang uwuh which has the best antioxidant activity. Antioxidants are important for our health. The importance of antioxidants for maintaining the physiological functions of the vi...

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