The ultrastructure of lateral nerve cords (LNC) of Triaenophorus nodulosus has been studied. 4 of the 6 types of neurones earlier reported for cerebral ganglia are present in LNC: multipolars, bipolars, unipolars and «light»; neurosecretory cells of the 7th type lie in transverse commissures. The growth and formation of LNC occur at the expense of undifferentiated cells found on the cord periphery among mature neurones. LNC are surrounded with specialized envelopes made of cell processes of excretory vessels and a fibrillar matrix formed at early stages of cestode development. In large axons, cisternae of the cross reticulum are detected, which can serve as ultrastructural marker of the synapse. Two types of muscle innervation are determine...
The sensory organs in the transverse grooves of the dorsal labium of the water bug, Cenocorixa bifid...
3D models of the Riftia brain. Longitudinal nerve tracts (LNT), as circumesophageal connectives, con...
[At base of organs nerve fibres lose their sheath, branch, pierce the basement membrane and rise sti...
The ultrastructure of lateral nerve cords (LNC) of Triaenophorus nodulosus has been studied. 4 of th...
Neurosecretory (Nsy) cells within the cerebral ganglion of Lumbricus terrestris were classified ultr...
Serial blockface scanning electron microscopy (SBSEM) is used to describe the sensory peripheral ner...
According to Bunnke (1967), the nervous system of the aelosomatid Aeolosoma consists of a brain, sit...
The fine structure of the infective hexacanths of Echinococcus multilocularis was examined with part...
The abdominal nerve cord of the leech Macrobdella decora was studied under the light and electron mi...
Summary Examination of sections of the marginal ganglion of the jellyfish Cyanea and the hydromedus...
The sensory neurones innervating long prosternai hairs of Locusta migratorioideswere backfilled with...
The neuroarchitecture of Acoela has been at the center of morphological debates. Some authors, using...
<p>Cross section of tentacles. (<b>A</b>) Abfrontal neurite bundles (nb) are associated with the gla...
Nemertodermatida are microscopic marine worms likely to be the sister-group to acoels, forming with ...
In this study the dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body (LGN) of the normal cat was examined...
The sensory organs in the transverse grooves of the dorsal labium of the water bug, Cenocorixa bifid...
3D models of the Riftia brain. Longitudinal nerve tracts (LNT), as circumesophageal connectives, con...
[At base of organs nerve fibres lose their sheath, branch, pierce the basement membrane and rise sti...
The ultrastructure of lateral nerve cords (LNC) of Triaenophorus nodulosus has been studied. 4 of th...
Neurosecretory (Nsy) cells within the cerebral ganglion of Lumbricus terrestris were classified ultr...
Serial blockface scanning electron microscopy (SBSEM) is used to describe the sensory peripheral ner...
According to Bunnke (1967), the nervous system of the aelosomatid Aeolosoma consists of a brain, sit...
The fine structure of the infective hexacanths of Echinococcus multilocularis was examined with part...
The abdominal nerve cord of the leech Macrobdella decora was studied under the light and electron mi...
Summary Examination of sections of the marginal ganglion of the jellyfish Cyanea and the hydromedus...
The sensory neurones innervating long prosternai hairs of Locusta migratorioideswere backfilled with...
The neuroarchitecture of Acoela has been at the center of morphological debates. Some authors, using...
<p>Cross section of tentacles. (<b>A</b>) Abfrontal neurite bundles (nb) are associated with the gla...
Nemertodermatida are microscopic marine worms likely to be the sister-group to acoels, forming with ...
In this study the dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body (LGN) of the normal cat was examined...
The sensory organs in the transverse grooves of the dorsal labium of the water bug, Cenocorixa bifid...
3D models of the Riftia brain. Longitudinal nerve tracts (LNT), as circumesophageal connectives, con...
[At base of organs nerve fibres lose their sheath, branch, pierce the basement membrane and rise sti...