Anxiety is one of the factors influencing students’ speaking performance in the classroom. A video making task is an alternative strategy that can decrease anxiety besides it provides a positive influence on students’ self-assessment of speaking task. Hence, the objective of this study was to describe how video making task could decrease students’ anxiety in speaking class. This study used a descriptive qualitative method in which the data source was the students’ performance in video to require the task of procedure text presentation in speaking class. The data were collected by using observation and interview. And the result of the observation of the video showed that most of the students seemed l...
[[abstract]]Foreign language learning anxiety has been widely discussed over past decades, particula...
Video recording assignment becomes one of necessary and beneficial efforts for enhancing students’ s...
This research explains students’ techniques in overcoming anxiety during speaking. It applied desc...
The common problems faced by students in English speaking are anxiety and the lack of confidence and...
The objective of this study was to find out the effects of communicative language teaching of studen...
This research aimed to portray the occurrence of anxiety in the YouTube video project conducted by n...
Anxiety is still a problem in the realm of English speaking and the research focusing on the respons...
ABSTRACT Faizah, Durotul. Students Registered Number. 2813133034. 2017. Speaking Anxiety in Class...
This study is aimed at describing the factors that cause students’ anxiety in speaking class and the...
The ability in to speak English in the public place being a scourge for students due to minimize the...
Keywords: Anxiety, Students’ Anxiety, Causes Anxiety, Reduce Anxiety, Speaking Class Learning Engli...
Speaking is a communication activity that permits people to communicate verbally while using nonverb...
Pribadi, Muroso Tunjung. Students Registered Number. 17203163181. 2023. “Students’ Anxiety in Learn...
Lembar Pengesahan tidak disertai tanda tangan dosen pembimbingMany students experienced anxiety when...
Anxiety is negative feeling that must be avoided in the speaking classroom. It will give bad impact ...
[[abstract]]Foreign language learning anxiety has been widely discussed over past decades, particula...
Video recording assignment becomes one of necessary and beneficial efforts for enhancing students’ s...
This research explains students’ techniques in overcoming anxiety during speaking. It applied desc...
The common problems faced by students in English speaking are anxiety and the lack of confidence and...
The objective of this study was to find out the effects of communicative language teaching of studen...
This research aimed to portray the occurrence of anxiety in the YouTube video project conducted by n...
Anxiety is still a problem in the realm of English speaking and the research focusing on the respons...
ABSTRACT Faizah, Durotul. Students Registered Number. 2813133034. 2017. Speaking Anxiety in Class...
This study is aimed at describing the factors that cause students’ anxiety in speaking class and the...
The ability in to speak English in the public place being a scourge for students due to minimize the...
Keywords: Anxiety, Students’ Anxiety, Causes Anxiety, Reduce Anxiety, Speaking Class Learning Engli...
Speaking is a communication activity that permits people to communicate verbally while using nonverb...
Pribadi, Muroso Tunjung. Students Registered Number. 17203163181. 2023. “Students’ Anxiety in Learn...
Lembar Pengesahan tidak disertai tanda tangan dosen pembimbingMany students experienced anxiety when...
Anxiety is negative feeling that must be avoided in the speaking classroom. It will give bad impact ...
[[abstract]]Foreign language learning anxiety has been widely discussed over past decades, particula...
Video recording assignment becomes one of necessary and beneficial efforts for enhancing students’ s...
This research explains students’ techniques in overcoming anxiety during speaking. It applied desc...