A review is given of the geology of the islands of the Scotia Arc. The provenance of the sedimentary materials is considered and it is concluded that the islands probably represent areas with a crustal structure of a continental type. The crustal structure of the Scotia Sea area is briefly compared with that of the Caribbean
The East Scotia Ridge is an active back-arc spreading centre located to the west of the South Sandwi...
An international 3-day meeting in which participants discussed geodynamic and multidisciplinary topi...
Although the bathymetry and geophysics of the Scotia Sea basins is rather well studied in general an...
The Scotia Sea is one of the tectonically most complex and least understood back-arc basins on Earth...
Abstract: Detailed analysis of marine magnetic profiles from the western part of the East Scotia Sea...
The South Sandwich Islands and associated seamounts constitute the volcanic arc of an active subduct...
Comparisons are made between the Lesser Antilles and the South Sandwich Islands, the recent volcanic...
This chapter reviews the tectonic evolution of the East Scotia Sea, testing and extending previously...
Understanding the tectonic evolution of the Scotia Sea is critical to interpreting how ocean gateway...
The ancestral South Sandwich arc (ASSA) records evidence of Oligocene – Miocene intra-oceanic island...
This paper reports briefly an attempt to examine the tectonic evolution of the Scotia Sea region, in...
The Cenozoic development of the Scotia Sea and opening of Drake Passage evolved in a complex tectoni...
We present a revised tectonic interpretation (from ∼28 Ma to 3.2 Ma) of the western sector of the Sc...
Elsevier Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 36, Issue 2, September 1977, Pages 253-2...
ABSTRACT. A reconnaissance magnetotelluric survey of Prince Edward Island was undertaken during 1983...
The East Scotia Ridge is an active back-arc spreading centre located to the west of the South Sandwi...
An international 3-day meeting in which participants discussed geodynamic and multidisciplinary topi...
Although the bathymetry and geophysics of the Scotia Sea basins is rather well studied in general an...
The Scotia Sea is one of the tectonically most complex and least understood back-arc basins on Earth...
Abstract: Detailed analysis of marine magnetic profiles from the western part of the East Scotia Sea...
The South Sandwich Islands and associated seamounts constitute the volcanic arc of an active subduct...
Comparisons are made between the Lesser Antilles and the South Sandwich Islands, the recent volcanic...
This chapter reviews the tectonic evolution of the East Scotia Sea, testing and extending previously...
Understanding the tectonic evolution of the Scotia Sea is critical to interpreting how ocean gateway...
The ancestral South Sandwich arc (ASSA) records evidence of Oligocene – Miocene intra-oceanic island...
This paper reports briefly an attempt to examine the tectonic evolution of the Scotia Sea region, in...
The Cenozoic development of the Scotia Sea and opening of Drake Passage evolved in a complex tectoni...
We present a revised tectonic interpretation (from ∼28 Ma to 3.2 Ma) of the western sector of the Sc...
Elsevier Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 36, Issue 2, September 1977, Pages 253-2...
ABSTRACT. A reconnaissance magnetotelluric survey of Prince Edward Island was undertaken during 1983...
The East Scotia Ridge is an active back-arc spreading centre located to the west of the South Sandwi...
An international 3-day meeting in which participants discussed geodynamic and multidisciplinary topi...
Although the bathymetry and geophysics of the Scotia Sea basins is rather well studied in general an...