Двухэшелонная зеленая цепь поставок для городских перевозок грузов

  • A. Rossolov
  • O. Lobashov
  • D. Kopytkov
  • A. Botsman
  • S. Lyfenko
  • А. Россолов
  • А. Лобашов
  • Д. Копытков
  • А. Боцман
  • С. Лыфенко
Publication date
December 2019
Belarusian National Technical University


In recent years the urbanization to affect many countries of the world has made the significant changes to the material flow at all levels of the supply chain. The last mile logistics operating in the urban area has also changed notably. An increase in the volume of material flow within cities has led to a growth in the number of deliveries and the freight turnover, accordingly. The above-stated processes greatly reduce the sustainability of cities, which while keeping the urbanization trend, can lead to the serious negative results of the social and environmental nature not only for the cities, but also for the countries. One way to solve this problem is to create the green supply chains from the multi-echeloning principles. In the paper, ...

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