Le thème central de cette thèse est l'étude de plongements d'espaces métriques dans des espaces de Banach. La première étude concerne les plongements grossièrement Lipschitz entre les espaces de James Jp pour p≻1 et p fini. On obtient que, pour p,q différents, Jq ne se plonge pas grossièrement Lipschitz dans Jp. Nous avons également obtenu, dans le cas où q≺p, une majoration de l'exposant de compression de Jq dans Jp par q/p. La question naturelle qui se pose ensuite est de savoir si le résultat obtenu pour les espaces de James est vrai aussi en ce qui concerne leurs duaux. Nous obtenons que, pour p,q différents, Jp* ne se plonge pas grossièrement lipschitz dans Jq*. Suite à ce travail, on établit des résultats plus généraux sur la non-plon...
International audienceIn this course we show how some linear properties of Banach spaces, in particu...
We introduce a new notion of embeddability between Banach spaces. By studying the classical Mazur ma...
Abstract. The existence of Lipschitz quasiadditive projections on linear subspaces is investigated. ...
The central theme of this thesis is the study of embeddings of metric spaces into Banach spaces.The ...
The central theme of this thesis is the embedding of metric spaces into Banach spaces. The embedding...
Let X and Y be two infinite-dimensional Banach spaces. If X is (uniformly) finitely crudely represen...
We introduce the notions of almost Lipschitz embeddability and nearly isometric embeddability. We pr...
Abstract. We answer a question of Aharoni by showing that every separable metric space can be Lipsch...
Nonlinear embeddings of Banach spaces has been an active field of research since the mid 20th centur...
International audienceWe study the structure of the space of coarse Lipschitz maps between Banach sp...
Abstract. We introduce the notions of almost Lipschitz embeddability and nearly isometric embeddabil...
Quelques aspects de la géométrie des espaces Lipschitz. En premier lieu, nous donnons les propriétés...
AbstractIf X is any separable Banach space containing l1, then there is a Lipschitz quotient map fro...
The thesis consists of two papers and one preprint. The two papers are de- voted to the approximatio...
International audienceIn this course we show how some linear properties of Banach spaces, in particu...
We introduce a new notion of embeddability between Banach spaces. By studying the classical Mazur ma...
Abstract. The existence of Lipschitz quasiadditive projections on linear subspaces is investigated. ...
The central theme of this thesis is the study of embeddings of metric spaces into Banach spaces.The ...
The central theme of this thesis is the embedding of metric spaces into Banach spaces. The embedding...
Let X and Y be two infinite-dimensional Banach spaces. If X is (uniformly) finitely crudely represen...
We introduce the notions of almost Lipschitz embeddability and nearly isometric embeddability. We pr...
Abstract. We answer a question of Aharoni by showing that every separable metric space can be Lipsch...
Nonlinear embeddings of Banach spaces has been an active field of research since the mid 20th centur...
International audienceWe study the structure of the space of coarse Lipschitz maps between Banach sp...
Abstract. We introduce the notions of almost Lipschitz embeddability and nearly isometric embeddabil...
Quelques aspects de la géométrie des espaces Lipschitz. En premier lieu, nous donnons les propriétés...
AbstractIf X is any separable Banach space containing l1, then there is a Lipschitz quotient map fro...
The thesis consists of two papers and one preprint. The two papers are de- voted to the approximatio...
International audienceIn this course we show how some linear properties of Banach spaces, in particu...
We introduce a new notion of embeddability between Banach spaces. By studying the classical Mazur ma...
Abstract. The existence of Lipschitz quasiadditive projections on linear subspaces is investigated. ...