Often synthetic graphene requires transfer onto an arbitrary substrate prior to use because the substrate it was originally synthesized on is inappropriate for either electrical measurement or characterization. While a variety of routes have been developed they are substrate dependant and often involve the use of harsh treatments. Here we present a facile and cheap route that can be applied to graphene over any substrate. This universal transfer route is based on a wet chemical reaction producing gaseous species which can intercalate between the substrate and the graphene and thus gently delaminate the two
The transferring and identification of single- and few- layer graphene sheets from SiO2/Si substrate...
International audienceDespite the improvement of the quality of CVD grown single-layer graphene on c...
A new method for transferring chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown monolayer graphene to a variety ...
Often synthetic graphene requires transfer onto an arbitrary substrate prior to use because the subs...
An efficient and reliable transfer for graphene onto the substrates of interests acts as the crucial...
The key steps of a transfer of two-dimensional (2D) materials are the delamination of the as-grown m...
The key steps of a transfer of two-dimensional (2D) materials are the delamination of the as-grown m...
Graphene, synthesized either epitaxially on silicon carbide or via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) o...
Graphene is a truly outstanding 2D material that holds the promise of revolutionizing the world wit...
A new method for transferring chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown monolayer graphene to a variety ...
We present the results of a thorough study of wet chemical methods for transferring chemical vapor d...
Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is emerging as a popular method for growing large-area graphene on ...
In this paper we explore the direct transfer via lamination of chemical vapor deposition graphene on...
The direct transfer method, wherein graphene is transferred from its growth metal to a soft substrat...
The polymer-supported wet transfer of chemical vapor deposition-grown graphene provides high-quality...
The transferring and identification of single- and few- layer graphene sheets from SiO2/Si substrate...
International audienceDespite the improvement of the quality of CVD grown single-layer graphene on c...
A new method for transferring chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown monolayer graphene to a variety ...
Often synthetic graphene requires transfer onto an arbitrary substrate prior to use because the subs...
An efficient and reliable transfer for graphene onto the substrates of interests acts as the crucial...
The key steps of a transfer of two-dimensional (2D) materials are the delamination of the as-grown m...
The key steps of a transfer of two-dimensional (2D) materials are the delamination of the as-grown m...
Graphene, synthesized either epitaxially on silicon carbide or via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) o...
Graphene is a truly outstanding 2D material that holds the promise of revolutionizing the world wit...
A new method for transferring chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown monolayer graphene to a variety ...
We present the results of a thorough study of wet chemical methods for transferring chemical vapor d...
Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is emerging as a popular method for growing large-area graphene on ...
In this paper we explore the direct transfer via lamination of chemical vapor deposition graphene on...
The direct transfer method, wherein graphene is transferred from its growth metal to a soft substrat...
The polymer-supported wet transfer of chemical vapor deposition-grown graphene provides high-quality...
The transferring and identification of single- and few- layer graphene sheets from SiO2/Si substrate...
International audienceDespite the improvement of the quality of CVD grown single-layer graphene on c...
A new method for transferring chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown monolayer graphene to a variety ...