Transcultural View of Comedy Packed Stereotypes: A Conceptual View towards Stand-Up Comedy with Racial Issues by Russel Pieters

  • lubis, adiella
Publication date
April 2017
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta


Comedy is an interesting thing to be studied in the repertoire of intercultural communication. Lightweight comedical language could assist the smoothness of communication between cultures, but what if the stereotypes used as objects in a live comedy show with an audience of cultural backgrounds or even different countries? Cultural differences will also affect the state discourse on stand-up comedy will be the main concern in this study. Russel Pieter classified as an international stand-up comedian with English as a foreword, disposition as the Indian race is also a reference that stereotypes in comedy be interesting, in this study the focus was how he delivered comedy with stereotypes material to the audience. Stereotypes in comedy were a...

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