Performance of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with mechanically-fastened composite system under corrosive environment

  • Al Nassibi, Amna Zaid Suwaid
Publication date
June 2013


This study examines the effects of corrosion exposure on the flexural response of reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened with a powder-actuated fastened (PAF) composite system. Twenty-one RC beams were constructed and tested to failure under four-point bending. The corroded beams were subjected to 30, 60, and 100 days of accelerated corrosion that corresponded to measure tensile steel mass losses of 6, 11 and 18% respectively. Other test parameters included width of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite strip, fastener length, and number of fasteners rows. For the non-corroded beams, the PAF-FRP system resulted in up to 24% increase in beam flexural capacity and 20% average reduction in the beam ductility index. The strengthening ef...

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